Our 2024 season started on 5th March.

The steps to joining our club are :
1) Come along to a club night and play a few games with us to see if we’re a good fit for you (see here for venue info)
2) Once you’ve played with us you can decide if you want to join as a member or play as a casual.
3) If you want to join as a member, fill out the membership form below and pay the applicable fee.
If you decide you’d rather pay the casual rate that’s fine too! Casual rates are listed below.

2024 Membership fees

Membership typeCostDetail
Premium$220Unlimited play for the entire season
Standard$120You get 24 credits for the season.
Thursdays (Rangi) cost 1 credit and Tuesdays (Zhu) cost 2 credits.
So you may attend Tuesdays or Thursdays and credits will be automatically deducted through our software.
If you use all your credits you may continue playing at a rate of $5 per Thursday and $10 per Tuesday.

2024 Casual rates

Tuesdays @ Zhu$12
Thursdays @ Rangi$7

Which membership type is best for me?
If you play very often or usually just play Tuesdays, then premium will work best for you.
If you usually play just Thursdays, or if you want to join part-way through the season, then the standard membership may be better value.
Why are Tuesdays more expensive than Thursdays?
We play with feather shuttles at Zhu on Tuesdays, and plastic shuttles at Rangi on Thursdays. Also Zhu hall hire costs are higher.
Can I upgrade from Standard to Premium membership?
Yes, if you have already paid the full Standard membership and want to upgrade to Premium you can do so at any time.
If I pay membership but then I can’t play, can I get a refund?
Generally no, but the committee will consider exceptional circumstances (e.g. injury)
Please contact the committee to discuss.
Does the club offer coaching?
Not really, we don’t have formally trained coaches available, but we do have a few members who are willing to help beginners learn the game and improve their skills. If you want formal coaching we suggest contacting Badminton Canterbury and they can put you in touch with some professional coaches.

Membership offers the following benefits :

– Senior Club play on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, good value for money compared to casual rates.
– Entry to Interclub and Badminton Canterbury tournaments (some tournaments require you to be a member of an affiliated club)
– Lower court hire rate at Badminton Canterbury’s hall at 220 Pages Road (just let them know you are a member of Fendalton Club)
– Entry to our club tournaments

Payment :

The preferred method for membership fee payment is direct debit via internet banking.
Please include your full name in the payment reference.
Our account details are:

Fendalton Badminton Club
11 7800 0077315 11

Please note all members are bound by the terms of our club Constitution which you can view here :
Fendalton Badminton Club Constitution 2022

Membership form

Membership form
Fendalton Badminton Club will not use your contact details for any purpose other than club membership administration. Your details may be shared with Badminton Canterbury, if you wish to opt out of this please tick the box below.
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